We've locked $15,000 in the InterCasino Safe below! Find the combination and unlock the Safe for your chance to win a cool $1,000 BEFORE Christmas. 15 players are guaranteed to win $1,000 - paid out on the 23rd December!
Here's what you need to do...
Visit My InterCasino every day between 13th and 22nd December, and you will notice a 'Safe Cracker' message in your inbox.
Open the message and answer the daily cryptic question by clicking on the correct letter on the left hand side of the Safe.
Once you have entered your answer, click 'Check Combination' to make sure it is right - you will be notified whether you are right or wrong. Every correct answer will be stored.
Come back every day to answer all 10 questions and find the whole combination to open the Safe.
It really is that easy! By opening the Safe your name will be automatically entered into the draw for the cash. Your next ‘Safe Cracker’ message is coming on the 13th Dec - GOOD LUCK!
To get you used to how the Safe's combination works, take a look below at the example question. Each answer is a letter, like ‘R’ for Rudolph in this case.
See you soon
Your dedicated InterCasino Support Team