Dear Crushers!!!
Welcome to our 2023 Birthday and Christmas Crossword Puzzle Contest! Suggested by moshermike327
In order to take part in the Crossword Puzzle, simply click on the "Play Crossword" menu item listed above in the red section of any forum page and select the "December 2023 Christmas and Birthday Crossword" and then click Play.
Once in the game, look at the clues on the right and then fill in your guesses (one letter per grid space).
IF YOU WANT TO SAVE AND COME BACK LATER - you can save your answers by clicking on the SAVE button.
ONLY AFTER YOU HAVE COMPLETELY FINISHED and would like to submit your answers for entry into the contest, you will need to click the FINAL SUBMIT button which will both Save and Submit your final answers.
Once you've clicked on the Final Submit button - you can not change any answers, so 'be sure to be sure' before you press the Final Submit button AND make sure you do it before the contest closes
Terms and Conditions:-
- All Final Submitted entries will be judged soon after 7PM EST (forum time) December 31st, 2023. YOU *MUST* FINAL SUBMIT BEFORE 7PM EST ON THIS DATE TO BE INCLUDED!!
- Every Crusher that scores between the following will be put into a random draw (if appropriate) (for each score grouping) to win one of the relevant prizes in that score group:-
- 215 (max score) - $20 prize for up to 3 members getting the full score (if there are more than 3, they will be randomly drawn and non-drawn members will be included in the next group) ...
- 210-214 (nearly max) - $15 prize for up to 3 members (those not drawn from the above group will also be included) and any non-drawn will be included in the next group...
- 200-213 - $5 prize for up to 5 members (those not drawn from the above groups will also be included)
- Any members that score at least 200 points in the crossword but are not drawn for a prize in the above 3 groups will win a prize of $1 (up to a maximum of 25 x $1 - they will be randomly drawn if there are more than 25 in this group).
- Please note that any extra Higher prizes will NOT be carried over to the lower score groups, only members that have not won a prize in the higher group will be included in the lower score group draws
- See link below for other standard terms and conditions for our contest prizes.
Good Luck Crushers!!!
Happy Gaming Always!
PS. You can see the clues when you are in the Crossword Game too.

Last edited by crushadmin on Tue Jan 02, 2024 12:19 pm; edited 3 times in total