Hi there everyone,
Well I've just been having a little play at Tiki Bingo where I got a cool 110% signup bonus - a $50 deposit got me a $55 bonus balance and well hours later - I'm still playing - I keep winning enough to keep me playing and looking at the jackpot winners page - they look like they pay out very often!! So, I've now secured a VIP deal for these sites so more people can check these great places out..
In conjunction with the standard VIP terms, you can get 1 VIP point for
a) signing up using one of our banners (or any CC banner advertising these sites)
b) making an initial deposit of at least $50 and playing that and any bonus money at least once.
Win or lose don't matter - just make sure you play your Deposit and Bonus once in order to qualify for One VIP point.
Please check that you are assigned to our tag before depositing if you wish by PMing CrushAdmin with "VIP approval request" - and your Tiki and/or Kiwi bingo account numbers.
Once you deposit at least $50 (+ receive your bonus) and play that that and your bonus money - PM CrushAdmin again with your account number and you will be credited with 1 VIP point.
You may claim once for each site.
There's a GREAT bunch of chatters at both Tiki and Kiwi Bingo and great prizes and specials, including chat games too all the time!
Enjoy and Happy Gaming Always,

Last edited by crushadmin on Wed Sep 06, 2017 6:43 pm; edited 12 times in total