Hello Crushers!
Lets say you were invited to play in a casino tournament, at an undisclosed online casino and everyone entering would be given $100 to play with. The only stipulation is that you can only play 1 type of game without changing and the person that placed the most bets (got the most play for their $100) won a million bucks lol.
Which type of game would you choose? Would you choose to play their slots, their video pokers, their blackjacks, craps, roulette or keno? As an example if you choose to play slots, you can play any or all slots but you cannot play any other type of game. The same goes with video poker, you can play all of the different video pokers but no other game, etc.
So Crushers for a million dollars lol, tell us, would you play the entire $100 on only slots, only video poker, only blackjack, only craps, only roulette or only keno? Which game do you think you get the "most play for your money" on?
1. All members entering this contest must pick a casino game (only 1) either slots, video poker, blackjack, craps, roulette or keno that they feel they get more play for their money on. Also remember to place a casino banner in your post.
2. All members doing this will be placed into a random drawing, where we will give away 1 $30 Neteller Prize.
4. The winner must have at least 3,000 cc points in order to claim a cash prize. If the selected winner has less then 3,000 cc points then they will receive 3,000 cc points in lieu of the $30 in their Neteller account.
5. All those entering must have a certified Neteller account in order for us to make payment on the prize awarded. Contest will end December 6, 2005 11:59 pm EST and the prize will be awarded within 10 days after the drawing.
Good Luck Crushers!
Happy Gaming Always!

Last edited by OrangeCrush on Thu Dec 15, 2005 7:34 am; edited 2 times in total