Dear all,
It's been a while on my list of 'things to do', but I've now gotten around to a few improvements for our Promotional Mailer groups (click Usergroups on the main menu to see which ones you can join).
There are several benefits to joining any of our Mailer groups:-
- Get information straight to your inbox about specific types of sites that we have in our Bonus Database
- Get more CC points when you post / reply / send PMs for joining any of our Euro, UK, US$ mailer groups
The format of our mailers has just changed too - hope you like it
Every single email you get from us will have an 'unsubscribe' link should you wish to not get a certain mailer (we will be sending them out around once per week only for each group), but of course we hope you find them useful.
We hope you enjoy our new style mailers and also for those of you in the USA, please join our USA Accepted mailer group (please note no additional cc-points are given for joining that group as it would be unfair to exclude non-USA members)..
If you have any feedback / suggestions for improvements about our groups and mailers - PLEASE POST A REPLY HERE
Happy Gaming Always,