This is a question for all/ any Windows Vista Home Premium users... I have been having trouble with my Vegas Tech Casinos...so, I uninstalled/rebooted/redownloaded.....
Now, the casinos seem to have a problem... I get the download as far as... lauching...(it begins to launch, that is).. then I get a message that says.... "Unable to download required updates. Check your Internet connection and restart the casino."
I have been in contact with their tech support... yet, upon followin' their instructions..I still find myself sitting no better than when the trouble started...and I would like to know if any other users have experienced any similar problems..??
I have turned the "protection mode" off..... as well as my firewalls... and still no help... and not able to play their tourneys...!
Can any of you, my fellow sitemates help with this dilemma?? or have suggestions.. as stated... Tech Support for them have not seem to heard the issues... from giving me info for Windows 2000 Systems, to leaving out instructions...I do have chat transcripts...
I don't want to cause a stink ... just my tourneys back!!
Thanks, for any help you can be in advance!!