"The Hannastown War. -- Burning of the County Seat -- Destruction of Miller's Blockhouse"
Captain Matthew Jack and David Shaw were for many years justly called the "Heroes of Hannastown War." Jack was sheriff of the county at the time, which probably accounts for his being at Hannastown that afternoon. He was also a county justice, and was all-around one of the most noted and daring Indian fighters of his day. He was a man of great strength and agility, and was without personal fear. Often in after years, at barn-raisings, musters, etc., he illustrated his manner of riding that day. He could place his hat on the ground and pick it up as he galloped by. Later he was known a General Jack, from his prominence in the Whisky Insurrection. He was born in 1755, and died November 26, 1836. Both he and his wife, Nancy (Wilson) Jack (born 1760, died Septmber 20, 1840), are buried at Congruity, about seven miles northeast of Greensburg. Matthew Jack entered the service in March, 1776 commissioned as a Lieutenant under the leadership of Captain Samuel Miller and Colonel Aencas Mackey in the establishment of the 8th PA Regiment. Originally stationed at Hannastown, they soon marched on to Kittanning to meet with Generals Washington and Lincoln's divisions. The 8th PA was part of Gen. Lincoln's division and in the Spring, the 8th PA marched to Bound Brook, NJ where a battle ensued. On April 13, 1777, Matthew Jack was wounded in his left hand by the bursting of his gun which confined him about two months. He then joined the 8th PA at Mount Pleasant, NJ and received the commission of Captain under the command of Col. Daniel Brodhead and later Col. Bayard. In the Fall of 1777, the Regt. was ordered back to PA where they wintered with the main army at Valley Forge during the Winter of 1777-1778. In the Spring of 1778, they were order up the Susquehanna River against the Indians. Later they marched to the mouth of Big Beaver River where they built For McIntosh. They were then marched to the headwaters of the Muskingum River where they built Fort Laurens. . In December of 1778, he returned to Fort McIntosh and later returned home. In February of 1779, he received orders to raise a company of Rangers, which he did immediatley under the comman of Gen. Brodhead. In the month of June 1779 Rangers built a fort at Kittanning Town and then marched up the Allegheney River Destroying the Munsey Indian Towns and encountered other skirmishes with the Indians. The Rangers returned to Pittsburg in November 1779 where they were discharged. On January 31, 1779, Matthew Jack was awarded Supernumerary. Towards the end of the War, the battlegrounds on the frontier became more intense as the British, in desperation to hold on to the West, enlisted the aid of renegade Indian tribes. Many times, within these scalping parties and brutal raids, English soldiers were dressed up and portrayed as Indians. Even though the 8th PA had returned home, most of the recruits continued to guard the frontier against these raids by the British and the Indians. At the burning of Hannastown, PA Matthew Jack and his men were among the first to go out of the stockade to alarm the settlers of the impending dangers. This was no small raid but a large and brutal attack by more than 100 Seneca warriors and 60 Canadian soldiers. His famous ride and rescue of Mrs. Love and her baby are well knowns facts of history. Many other settlers were saved due to the alarm raised by Mathew Jack and his Rangers who struggled to get people out of their homes and into the stockade. Some of the settlers were murdered defending their families. Others were carried, as captives, off to Canada. Many homes and crops were burned. Later the area would be plunged into an era of poverty and great famine. However, the human loss would have been much greater had it not been for the actions of these men. Captain Jack likewise participated in the War of 1812 and was present at Perry's Victory on Lake Erie in 1813. He married Nancy Wilson 5 Feb. 1782 at Hempfield, Westmoreland Co., PA. They raised five children. He died at Salem, Westmoreland Co., PA 26 November 1836 and was buried in the Old Congruity Presbyterian Church Cemetery in Salem, PA.
This is just another historical story about my family. Will explain later why these stories mean so much to me.