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Penny Crusher

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 11:13 am    MY DIVORCE STORY
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Shocked Laughing Cool SO,

AFTER TWELVE (12) Years of wedded bliss and working 10 to 12 hours a day 6 days a week, so my X-wife could enjoy the finer things in life...
and only a week or so after my 4th n 5th girls were born..(yes twins---see I was blessed with a son our first year of the married life,then one year to the day, I was really blessed with TWIN BOYS,, i know, but it gets better (I now have three boys with the same birth-day as me!)-- ahh you say well...
Two years later, yep, you guessed it she pops out, lol, TWIN GIRLS on her birthday...lmao...but then...lets skip to our 12th aniversary...oh joy!!!
Now mind you, I was a work junkie, hell,I had ta,,look at all these kids,but on OUR DAY OF DAYS, I closed my shop up at 11:30 or so and did something I had never done in the 12 years we were together!!
I stopped and got her 3 dozzen red roses, a card, and a box of candy,
made dinner reservations at the peppermill on the strip (We lived in las vegas off boulder highway) Confused and I had always forgotten our anniversary in the past (I think I remembered 1 time,ok,,ok my bad ) but tonight I was going to make it up to her damnit and I headed home to MY house I bought befor I met her as well as my small car collection..(keep that in mind as its relevent ) lol ,
Well, as I rounded the corner, to my surprise, I was in ahhh, at what I thought was my present from her for ""our day"" a perfect 1962 CHEVY IMPALA S/S CONVERTABLE WITH A FACTORY 409 DUEL QUAD CROSS RAM AND A MUNCIE M22 4 SPEED WITH 355 TRU TRAK POSI, BLACK INT AND A WHITE ELECT TOP..
I was like oh my frikin god.... So I jumped back in my car n went to the Henderson MERCEDES BENZE DELERSHIP ten mins down the highway from my house,,n got her her dream car,the exact one she always made goo goo eyes at as she would drewl when ever we passed the place, you know the 450 SL CONVERTABLE TWO SEATER COUPE, A modest $55,959.99 out the door fully loaded, after all I loved her n her me, look at what she got me,, right??
So, as I pulled into MY driveway in the coupe,my kids said hi dad we are going to so n so's house, moms inside as the boys looked really nervous and my girls were kinda teary eyed... and I showed them MOMS new car!
thats when my oldest said we really gotta go, n he rushed them all away fast. I did'nt think much bout it and prepaired to surprise her........
Well, Surprise her I did, and her lil BOY FREIND..doing the horizontal mombo in MY bed,,In my house that I bought befor i met her..hehe'.
they had'nt seen me yet as they were in the moment if you know what i mean.. and I snuk past them to my closet in my room, inside my house,
You know, its like this..roses,$95.00 candy,$35.00 THE LOOK OF FEAR IN
PRICELESS TRUST ME PRICELESS... SO then I duct taped them to each other And I took my new CHEVY to my buddies house, then WE(my buddy n I) went to the D.M.V. AND REGISTERED IT..WITH HIS MONEY OF COURSE... went home, un taped them made sure he knew exactly what was what,,he traded his ride for a diferant type of ride..lol
my wife..he got dressed n kept on crying n saying how sorry he was,yet
as he left said there were no hard feelings and told her to call him...I swear to god and all that I hold dear to me,Thats the truth.. nothing ever came back on me for it really...lol
But anyway, she did call the cops on me that evening, for domestic violance( no no..I never touched her,I swear,,I watch tv, I'm not that stupid Cool Cool ... ) yep yep yeppers, right after she hung up the phone, she went into the kitchen, saw the car with the frikin big red bow on it,turned to me as she picked up the damn iron skillit and proceded to beat the crepe out of herself, I could'nt make something like this up, even the judge agreed with me on that, as he sentanced me to 5 years in prison,sentance suspended with formal probation..
Then at our divorce hearing,about 3 months later,she was trying to get me for all she could..HE'HE',.. boy did it frost her when the divorce judge really did believe me n my kids whos testamony he heard in his chambers befor she showed up 45 mins late ...yea baby!
But as he asked the kids who they wanted to live with, I thought she'd have a cow as they all said WHY JUDGE SIR,,OF COURSE DADDY,oh yea...priceless....
so he did order all assets after we were married,like her jewlry i gave her etc and YES THE MERCEDES BENZE 450 SL CONV. COUPE and the cabin in lake tahoe etc..... be split.. 50 / 50 and I agreed as it should be.
MAN THAT really SET HER ON FIRE LOL,, So her new hubbie and her(oh yes I forgot, shes with that peice of crepe, She had been doing him for 6 years...) split to get a truck so she could get the rest of her stuff out of MY HOUSE THAT I bought befor I met her hehe'..
well now I went home with my kids and on the way I picked up my mother as I knew she was going to have to watch my kids for awhile...
now remember, I , being that law abiding citizan, lol, That the first judge as well as the divorce judge reminded me I had to be, wanted to follow his honers orders to the letter, and split everything after the marrige that was aquired, 50 /50 lol lol , so I got my GAS POWERED 12 IN' CARBON STEEL CUTTER/SAWS ALL AND CUT THAT DAMN 450 SL WITH ONLY 266.4 MILES ON IT STRAIGHT THE **** IN HALF, AND AS THE COPS PEELED HER OFF ME TO ARESST ME, LOL, I ASKED HER,WELL B**** WHAT HALF DO YOU WANT YHE FRONT OR THE REAR ,,I MADE THE NEWS, THE PAPER N BEST OF ALL, I EVEN MADE THE JUDGE CRACK UP AS HE GAVE ME 1 YEAR N 1 DAY IN PRISON BUT IT WAS SOO SOOO WORTH IT,,SHE IS GONE N IM HAPPY ... yep 50 / 50 BABY



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PostPosted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 1:05 pm    -
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omg if i had read that somewhere else i would swear it was a made up story lmao.

Wouldnt like to be your partner and cheat on you ROFLMAO
But would ov loved to have been a fly on the wall hahahahaha

Very Happy

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 1:34 pm    -
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Love It Joe ~

The thing is, Joe, buddy, I know darn well you are telling the absolute truth!!! [HE IS, sitemates] and he is also a real Crusher, been a member for at least a year even tho he hasn't posted much; he liked Prism Casino and one other I can't remember] JOE, MY GOD, MAN, how ARE you????

Please post again and let us know if you are in prison or out, where you are living, what your mental or I should say emotional state is, and a little more info, including what we, your fellow Crushers can do to help you.

Because although it makes a funny story, Joe, you have been through hell and back. You really loved that woman!

I'll bet (being a gambler) that you don't even remember ME, but I remember you and you are an okay guy and so it doesn't matter if you don't remember me.

I am so shocked I don't know what to say so I won't say (right now) but one more thing: I wish I could pat you on the back because, Joe, I think it was soooo neat, what you did to that car! Man, you fixed her greedy azz -- and his too!!!! Laughing

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