Hello Crushers!!!
Wow I can't believe it, its been 5 days since I posted the last contest lol. You'd think that with that much time off I'd come up with a really good contest too wouldn't you? Nope my imagination hasn't improved in 5 days lol.
What a month we had last month! I had a great time!! You guys are so much fun and we gave away not $3,000 like we had planned, but $3,960!!! (we've had to send DrCrush out to do door-to-door exams
This month being January and the year 2006 we will be giving away $2,006! Yippeeeeee (So DrCrush might be gone for a while lmao j/k)
Sooooooo back to the contest lol this contest is quite simple lol how much money did Casino-Crush give away last month?
lol Also please remember to place a casino banner in your post.
1. All members entering this contest must guess how much money Casino-Crush gave away last month.
2. All entries must include a CC banner from our database in their post.
3. All posts that enter the amount $3,960 lol will be placed into a random drawing.
4. The winner must have at least 3,000 cc points in order to claim a cash prize. If the selected winner has less than 3,000 cc points then they will receive 3,000 cc points in lieu of the $30 in their Neteller accounts.
5. All those entering must have a certified Neteller account in order for us to make payment on the prize awarded. Contest will end January 19, 2006 and the prize will be awarded within 10 days after the drawing.
Good Luck Crushers!
Happy Gaming Always!


Last edited by OrangeCrush on Fri Jan 20, 2006 3:05 pm; edited 1 time in total