This November Everygame Casino is helping you make some extra cash for the holiday season! As you progress on the scoreboard your chances of riches increase.
After the final promotion date, Everygame will hold a draw and reward 18 top casino players with Grand Prizes, including a $1,000 cash prize for each of three players in the top level! Just play in the Casino and accumulate points.
Check your progress! Be sure to submit your account name regularly to find out what scoreboard level you’re on and how many points you’ve earned so far!
Plus, enjoy the added prizes each Monday and Thursday:
Every Monday 150 selected players will be awarded a free bonus. Players will be selected based on their Thursday through Sunday game-play performance at Everygame Casino.
Every Thursday 50 selected players will be awarded a free bonus. Players will be selected based on their Monday through Wednesday game-play performance at Everygame Casino.
Check your e-mail Monday and Thursday to find out if you’ve been awarded a free bonus.
Please note: Terms and Conditions apply.