Dear Crushers,
I've now completed another little bit of work on our Mailers (the ones you get by subscribing to our Mailer Groups).
I've just fully automated the Contests Notifications mailer so those signed up to that group will most likely have received one (or it's on it's way).
You can sign up to the group by clicking below or by going to the UserGroups menu option, selecting the Contest Notifications group and hitting Subscribe
Click here and then hit Subscribe to get our Contests Notifications Mailer
(You also earn Bonus CC points for your topic posts and replies by subscribing to this group
For those that weren't in for our first one, get in now! But, well as you're here you could just look in our Contests forum or see what our Contests Notifcation Mailer looked like today by clicking below (you can also see all our past mailers from all groups - whether or not you are subscribed by going to the Newsletter Archive option from the menu).
Click here for our first automatic Contests Notification Mailer
Happy Gaming Always,

Last edited by crushadmin on Wed Jan 28, 2009 6:33 pm; edited 1 time in total