Dear Crushers,
When our St Paddys Maze of March completes - we can't leave you with nothing to do and so the following maze has been created for you. Based on Lanes (but with a definite finish - not like the April Fools one hehe).. but with a few swaps and lots of 'runs' and time bonus moves - you should find this long and thin maze good fun with lots of moves to be made
Here is some information that may be useful to you
Maze Description - Mazuma Maze - April - Swap, Run, Swap and Run
Maze Dimensions 250 x 80 ( = 20,000 spaces)
Maze Opens - When St Patricks (March) maze completes
Maze Closes - On completion (jackpot prize found and collected)
Starting Moves - 10
Bonus Moves - 5 every 1 hours
Max Time Bonuses per 24hrs = 4
(max = 5x4 = 20 bonus moves per 24 hrs)
Minimum SWAP time before re-activation = 60 minutes
1500 SWAP spaces allocated
Cash Prizes:
1 x $50 (for 5000 ccpoints) jackpot prize for completing and closing the maze
5 x $30 (for 3000 ccpoints each) other cash prizes hidden in the maze
VIP Points Prizes:
5 x 1 VIP points (full VIP Area members only can win these)
CC Points Prizes:
5 x 10000 ccpoints
10 x 5000 ccpoints
20 x 2500 ccpoints
50 x 1000 ccpoints
100 x 500 ccpoints
250 x 100 ccpoints
250 x 50 ccpoints
500 x 10 ccpoints
Bonus Move Prizes:
5 x 5 bonus moves
10 x 3 bonus moves
20 x 2 bonus moves
25 x 1 bonus moves
To play the maze game, simply click on the Play a Maze Game menu option and click the PLAY button (it will only show once the maze is open).
More help on 'HOW TO PLAY' the maze is available from the Play a Maze screen (there is a help link from there called MAZE HINTS )
Good Luck everybody!
Happy Gaming Always,

Last edited by crushadmin on Wed Apr 01, 2009 7:02 pm; edited 1 time in total