Its that time of year when Everygame casino has a free NFL pool competition. all you do is pick which team against the other team. it's all lined up for you so you just go down the list picking one of the two teams that play against each other. pretty easy. I know nothing of football and have won the top prize of $100 before. ( 2 years ago ). they pay the winners up to 10th place who picked the most winning teams for that week. I just go by which name looks good. lol. you don't need to know anything about football to take part in this contest and it is FREE. every week they will have a new list of teams playing. so remember to go back every week and make your picks. this contest is just like the ones that people play within there work place or with friends but you don't have to buy in at Everygame , it's FREE. look inside the sports book and under sportbooks look for special offers.
here is link to page......;
good luck and have fun.