We had so much fun with our new "CC Quiz Master" Contest last month that we're going to do it again this month. (hopefully CC Staff has had time to study this month)

- Prizes can only be paid to CERTIFIED neteller accounts AND your Neteller account email MUST match the one in your CC forums profile.
- All members with at least 2500 cc-points (at the time of the draw on 1st September 2004)
We should point out that anyone taking part will need at least 5000 cc-points in order to win a $50 cash prize which will be redeemed if they are drawn as the winner.
If any of the members drawn have less than 5000 cc-points they will be able to redeem their cc-points prize at the rate of 500 cc-points per $5 (in 500 cc-points bundles) up to a maximum of $50, minimum of $25 for 2500 cc-points.
- Entries must be in by 31st August 2004 *
Please click on the link below which will activate the Quiz Master and select the "How well do you know us at CC?" quiz and click submit.
- Hopefully the rest is self explanatory but if you have any questions - please post them as a reply to this.
- Winners will be drawn from all those with at least 8 correct answers.
If nobody gets at least 8 correct, we will go one less until we have enough members to draw the 2 winners. So, if you don't qualify initially.. just hope others don't lol!
- You can only take each quiz ONCE so please take care when answering.
- Quiz entries will be picked and winners announced on 31st August 2004 *
- Prizes will be paid within 7 days after the draw date (1st September)
Happy Gaming Always,
Geno/CC & Staff