Happy St. Patricks Day Crushers!!!
We've came up with a St. Patricks Day Crossword for you to do.
In order to take part in a Crossword Puzzle, simply click on the "Play Crossword" menu item listed above in the red section of any forum page and select the "St Paddys Day Crossword".
Once in the game, look at the clues on the right and then fill in your guesses (one letter per grid space).
If you'd like to come back later - you can save your answers by clicking on the SAVE button.
Once you are finished and you'd like to submit your answers for entry into the contest, you will need to click the FINAL SUBMIT button which will both Save and Submit your final answers.
Once you've clicked on the Final Submit button - you can not change any answers, so 'be sure to be sure' before you press the Final Submit button AND make sure you do it before the contest closes
Terms and Conditions:-
- All Final Submitted entries will be judged on or soon after March 17th, 2011.
- A random drawing will be held between the highest scores.
- 2 x $30 prizes will be awarded for 3,000 cc points each.
Happy St. Patricks Day Crushers!!!
Good Luck Everyone!!!
Happy Gaming Always!
Geno, Rita and Sarah

Last edited by OrangeCrush on Sat Mar 19, 2011 11:38 am; edited 2 times in total