Dear Crushers,
OK Christmas is over and I hope you're all keeping warm and happy. I very much hope you all had a wonderful time and enjoying playing with your new toys! LOL
Now we can look forward to an even happier and brighter New Year - 2023 is coming soon!
Let's have a little catch-up on what you did for Christmas and what you are looking forward to for next year!
In a similar fashion to our birthday and Christmas party contests -- each day has a different theme so please make sure you post the right reply on the right day
Day - Game --- Check what you need to post on which day!
27th - Favorite gift you gave for Christmas! Tell us what you think was the best gift you gave to someone else (individual or group) . 1 x random winner will be chosen from all eligible entries.
28th - What was your favorite thing that happened in 2022? 1 x random winner will be chosen from all eligible entries.
29th - What are you most looking forward to in 2023? 1 x random winner will be chosen from all eligible entries.
30th - What are you most hoping will happen in 2023? 1 x random winner will be chosen from all eligible entries.
31st - Share your good wishes and feelings, say goodbye to 2022. 1 x random winner will be chosen from all eligible entries.
Prize Draw:-
On/soon after 1st January 2023 I will draw up to 5 winners as follows:-
1 member will be randomly drawn from eligible answers each day .... so 1 member will win from posts made on 27th, from the 28th etc ... up to the 31st. Each prize is $5 for 500 CCpoints and there will be a maximum of 5 prizes.
Each member CAN win more than once in this contest (so if you are chosen for one day, you can still win on other days).
Winners will not be drawn until the END of the contest - they will NOT be announced each day so to maximize your chances - post a reply each day with the theme for that day (above).

Last edited by crushadmin on Mon Jan 02, 2023 1:15 pm; edited 1 time in total