Dear Lee ~
I have been too upset about your situation to even post til now. What the heck is happening to this country? People, it is happening to those just like ourselves by the thousands, but we are this day sending 70 billion -- yes BILLION -- dollars in charity to some little country somewhere for political reasons -- while we are in debt to larger countries!
I don't know about all of you, But personally, I believe charity should start at home!!! And we have sooooo many homeless now, through no fault of their own. Just victims of circumstances, like Lee and her husband. But those circumstances were purposely created by our so-called leaders, who are entering government service with not so much and leaving it a few years later as millionaires!
Is it going to take another revolution? If so, I stand ready to lead it, with all my facts and figures and homework on it in a row.
It's a good thing I am not the President of this country! It loves injustice too much for that!
But back to one of our own.
Lee, you are not gone yet, so I can still talk to your head.
Considering that at the moment it is only material things you are losing, and not your husband or your child ------ Girl, don't you dare throw in the towel! When you get back, and you WILL, you had better still have that towel with you!
I know it is hard, VERY hard, but if I am not mistaken, crzynana is your mama, and that means NOTHING can break your spirit! And as long as you have spirit and refuse to play the out-of-control victim, there is hope of meeting and defeating anything that looms in your path.
Do you realize that your husband could, by this time next month, have a new job worth twice as much as the old one? And you two could just as easily as not be saying that losing his job was the best thing that could have happened to you!!! Or any number of unexpected good things could be waiting just around the corner that you see no trace of now.
I know that you know that everything happens for a reason. Also that it is always darkest just before the dawning of new light. Like Job, you must hold on to hope and patience and faith as if they were gold and silver and dollars themselves.
Nobody knows the outcome of anything until it is here, so don't assume the outcome of all this for you will be bad!
Another thing to remember is that there are ALWAYS alternatives that are overlooked when we are anxiety- ridden.
Seems like we are constantly being tested in this life. Different tests for different things for different people. What really matters is how you perform during the test - and it also influences the end result.
Yes, I know all this is easier said than done!
I also know that I may be way out of line in the way I am trying to help you. But, honey, it is the only way I have and I can't just stand by and not try to use it.
In a year or two, you can let me know if this time in your life was a mountain or an ant hill. But until then, remember I care very much about you and will be constantly sending you good vibes and real concern. Also be sure to keep with you both climbing shoes and pesticides.
And always that towel -- that you never threw in!