Hi sitemates ~
As more and more of you are becoming Double Crushers (signing up at both PC as well as CC, I feel justified in posting this here.
Didn't know so much money had become available in PC contests, did ya? LOL! Yes, it has truly grown and offers much! As any Geno site!
Anyway, I hopped across the fence and took a look last night and discovered that the Guru had posted a great and short mini-lesson that sums up a lot in everyday terms. It will be on the Portal page listings, I'm sure. Look for: Mini POKER LESSON 5: When to HOLD'em and When to FOLD'em.
There was also an invitation for all Crushers to join him in OPEN CHAT on Tuesday nights at PC at 8 o'clock PM ET. = where any topic you could dream up is discussed and $50 grand prize is awarded for CHAT CHIPS.
I am trying to talk him into changing the time to 9 o'clock, so OC and I can join in too! Will let you know. Or CHAT Secretary, crzynana or CoCaptain of Team, Bower, will let you know. (Actually, both of them know more about it than I.)
Just thot you wouldn't want to miss out on anything "Crush".