Dear sitemates ~
I copied and am pasting here a bulletin so no one will miss it by mistake.
Consider it a Crusher Public Service. I found it tonight at our baby brother's. It is from the Guru and it is a surprise. That's why I am struggling to tug and pull it over here to you.
Happy Testing and HAPPY GAMING ALWAYS!
I think the time has come.
And $30 to whoever makes the best grade!
Yes, I am making it one of my April Contests.
I would be more than happy..... I would be ecstatic to have a whole forum full of A students!
So please read and study my 1st April POKER LESSON. That is all it will cover. And I do not believe in trick questions.
DON'T....I repeat....DON'T be afraid of this test.
It will consist of 34 questions.
20 TRUE - FALSE questions
13 SHORT ANSWER questions.
1 ESSAY question.
If you master my first April POKER LESSON, you will have no trouble at all with the test.
It is scheduled for the first Tuesday after Easter Sunday. So you have time to study. It will be due the next day. I will give you an email address to which you can send your answers.
I hope you will help me spread the word to every member. Every single member who signed up here should study this lesson and take this test. The top twelve grades will become PokerGuru's Winning Dozen. They will be considered the Seniors in our Poker College.
If you have any questions at all, please post them here. Remember, there is no such thing as a dumb question except the unasked ones.
Every question, if any, will be answered with repect for you.
GOOD THINKING! "sweethearts of my heart"
Your ever-lovin' PokerGuru