Dear Crushers,
After the fun with our last month's crossword combo contest I've been racking my little brain for ideas for another one ... and here goes ...
There are a few elements to this contest - and you can win in each section! The elements of this combo contest are:-
1. Complete the crossword .... (Maximum score is 50 -- get 40 or more to qualify for a prize)
2. Get a bonus prize just for joining in one of our Mazuma Mazes during May!
3. Take part and qualify in our LUU (Link Us Up) contest
To take part simply click on CROSSWORDS on the top (red bars) menu and select the crossword you wish to take part in -- click the Play button ... and fill in your answers!
If you need more time and wish to save your answers ... you can click the Save Game button
When you have finished - you MUST go in and click the Final Submit button. If you do not -- you will NOT qualify (no exceptions!)
You can see how the blank crossword looks (below) and the buttons but of course if there's any confusion - either ask as a reply here or send me a PM.
The maximum score available is 50 for getting all answers correct without mis-spellings.
CROSSWORD PRIZES AVAILABLE (read carefully as you can get bonus prizes!)
- Everyone that scores the maximum score of 50 will win $5 for 500 CCpoints.
- Everyone that takes part and scores 40 or more will win $2 for 200 CCpoints.
- Being in / taking part in one of the Marching Forward series of Mazes will add an extra $2 (for 200 CCpoints to any prize you win above) (remember - you need to make at least one (valid) new topic in an one of the forums shown in the maze play screen if you haven't done so within the past week. The post will need to be more than 24 hours old before you can enter a maze - so you may need to come back the day after posting your new topic). All you have to do is be in any maze during May
Here's a link to our Marching Forward series of Mazuma Mazes
- Take part AND QUALIFY in the LUU contest (by adding at least one of our special LUU banners in your post / signature) and join the LUU Authorised Participants group (before the end of the month). Those with LUU banners already will not need to do this generally. There must be at least 5 unique/genuine clicks generated and you must have posted at least 2 eligible topics (see the LUU contest for details) by 31st May in order for you to qualify for this bonus of an extra $3 for 300 CCpoints
Here's a link to our May 2017 LUU contest
The are NO LIMITS to the number of members that can win!
Yes! Everyone that qualifies -- wins! Simple!!
The more people that take part and qualify -- the more winners there will be be AND the more bonus items you complete - the more money won!
Note: Only those scoring at least 40 in the crossword will be eligible for any of the extra prizes!
Taking part in the bonus sections will also give you great chances to win in our Mazes, 5 x Daily Topic Draws and Monthly LUU draws with plenty more prizes available in those too (see the Contests forum or links above for further details).
This Crossword closes on 31st May 2017 (GMT server time) so please try and make sure you're done with everything by 30th May to be safe
Good luck everyone and Happy Gaming Always!

Last edited by crushadmin on Thu Jun 01, 2017 5:57 pm; edited 2 times in total