Hi everyone,
As USA players are no longer able to play / deposit / withdraw at Go Wild Casino - any members with this as their payment option should please change it to another one (or you won't get paid). The obvious other choice at the moment (that we have available) is Paypal.
PAYPAL - Slow payments:-
I've been struggling the last few days making the odd payment here and there but Paypal restrictions re. using the Neteller card are stopping me from processing more than a few per day (which I've been doing in priority within those wanting payment via Paypal).
I have requested a bank transfer from Neteller which then needs to go to my bank, then sent to Paypal, and then I can make all the remaining transfers nice and quickly.
Please bear with me whilst I get that done - I do hope to be able to make a bunch of payments some time next week.
If you'd rather have your payment made to Go Wild (non-USA) (or Neteller if that is available to you), then this may well be a quicker option for you. IF THAT IS THE CASE - PLEASE DO NOT PM ME - JUST GO TO THE 'MY PAYMENT METHOD' PAGE AND FILL OUT THE DETAILS - AND I WILL GET A PM AUTOMATICALLY.
Thanks for not sending lots of PMs about payments - as always and proven to everyone in the past - we will pay everything just as soon as we can
Happy Gaming Always,
PS. I will continue to make a few Paypal payments each day as and when I am able (but again please do not send PMs asking to be next!)