Is Boston, Mass. the same place the tea party was a verry important part of our American poor american born and raised soul aches at the thoughts on actuality of our American(USA) government and their ways of "controliing"(i meant to spell it right) our monies, which if you think about it, makes me think and know our own USA government is not out for "Freedom" as the simple silly way of thinkin hits my crazy person, which is most likely named crazy for thinkin in ways provoked by our very own government guidelines of i was saying one crazy person could get a sick giggle , "If it be'ath taxes in which the government(givernmeant) is beatn' round the "bush" to obtain from our land of the free online gamblers, ....wouldnt or couldnt one think that it sure is hard to have any respect or "confidence" in the chosen ones of which should for sure remember, why our country became a country , something to the so called facts in books and out of many "teachers" throughout "who knows where", well let me get to the odd way of thinkin i am thinkin......if i can even word it for i may hit overload of the inappropriate ways in which the should be respected are messin with my mind and im sure many others....ya thinkk maybe ...they are doin all this bannin so they can give us a thrill later when they tax it, and wahla the bans are lifted.....???? ok ok heart goes out to allll the members in which are experiencing the same thing in which....hmmmptfft....rrrgrrrrhhhh.....truly i understand...for the state in which i am exsisting in was the first state to start the which i might add the ban was voted in on some type of ....get this.....piggyback bill issue of whatever....what the heck does it matter it didn't even maintain any common factors of each other.....if you know what i media of it , no compaigning of it , no option of equality or appropriate manners of geeez knowing.....yes washington state residents were unaware of the ban until it was already to the ummmmm last stay justice (stages) tell me thats not sneaky tricky pull the wool over our beings....yea yea ....of course i trust our givernmeant....ooooops government in which is playing chess of a military type nature....oh wow so ya think..... i was over reacting several years ago....when i was screamin....stressin out .....attemptin to warn my very much respected Crusher family members.... i understand i couldve been causing some panic.... i apologize if for some reason i offend or provoke the thought of "why did i waste my time reading through this stupid or demented post of notLOL's" ....... Ha how the heck ya think I got this way....experience of living throughout the cartoon like adventures I personassly have tangled and detangled during my path of life....hmmm.....maybe I will type out some words in a book form i can get the real world simpler than knowing of the actual god....yet the gold, hmmm....ok the currency which trees where shed or milled....he he eheh....notLOL's thoughts could bring sense or cents even.....whew thanks crushers for letting me vent there......leaves me ever evener crazier seeeeing sooo many new homes going up alllllover and there are even more homeless....