Another GREAT idea inspired by our members and designed and developed by the Casino-Crush Team!
Do you use different methods to make your deposits? Maybe a little money in your Neteller, PrePaid ATM and a little left of your Diners Club Card and you want to play a MircroGaming casino that accepts these methods of payment? Maybe you want to play RTG and only have funds in your Money Booker account. NOW YOU CAN GET IT ALL, no more looking through casino after casino, you may access payment methods from our Casino Data Base!!! Check it out:
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Arte joined Casino-Crush September 2, 2004, on September 6, he pmd me asking if I knew where he could deposit via MoneyBooker in a RTG casino. Being from Germany this is the best payment method to play casinos. After 5 days of emailing MoneyBooker for help, asking several people for suggestions DrCrush said "Why don't you have Geno make something up"
, so now you know, the rest of the story.
Arte thank you so much for asking your question, I am so sorry that it has taken this long to get back with you. I have credited your account with 1,000 cc's for asking a question that I think will help a lot of us out!
Thank you Arte, Geno and DrCrush!
Happy Gaming!

Last edited by OrangeCrush on Thu Sep 16, 2004 8:36 am; edited 1 time in total