I must admit Broxi, 1000 posts actually is quite the...'accomplishment'!!..but then folks with opinions and a voice willl be heard, usually extercising those abilities with complete and joyful boastings...and how I happen to be knowin' such things as this
.... I am proud to be a "CASINO-CRUSH MEMBER" myself!!!
I also happen to be celebrating my..2 year virtual birthday on, Saturday December 6, 2008, the additon of virtually the best family/friends, and acceptance of genuine caring friendliness and love the real world has to offer.... it is this that my membership with CASINO-CRUSH has blessed me with...and that don't include the obvious bonuses that are shared/given ie.,fun, games, bonus codes, casino offers, etc.!!
I am officially a 2 year CRUSHERS, and hope ya'll will join me as I join the CRUSH's celebrations this month!!