I'm writing this as it seems the only way right now to get my thoughts out..
As some of you know my daughter Kelly just graduated from College and is heading west for an amazing job opportunity..I am soooo bloody proud of her..I posted grad pics on facebook for family that couldn't make it to the grad ceremony..but have been so out of it that I havn't posted the pics here yet ..Will get on that..
Kelly, Richard (exhusband & Kellys Dad), Jason and myself are leaving in an hour to take Kelly to the bus terminal for her journey to Banff, Alberta..It will take her 2.5 days to get there..
I am second guessing myself about Kelly taking the bus ..I should have purchased the plane ticket instead..even though it cost $400 plus the extra fees for all her luggage..it shouldn't have mattered as you can't put a price on your childs head..even if she is a grown woman of 24..
Yesterday I was at Kellys and helped her pack and just spent the day and evening with her..It was a great time but very bittersweet..We had a wonderful family dinner this weekend to celebrate and her friends gave her a going away surprise party on Friday night..
Kelly is my baby and she would kill me if she heard me say that, but she is..My heart is breaking just thinking of her being gone for 6 mos..I know I can text, call, email & skype with her but it's not the same as a hug or the physical touch ..
Eric (my 26yr old son) is having a hard time with this also..hell so is Jason (Kellys beau) and Kellys dad Richard..
I know this is a once in a lifetime opportunity for Kelly and she is going to do fantastic without doubt..She is sooo much braver and has more courage than I ever could dream of having..even though she is nervous and a little scared..
I'm just asking all of you my 2nd family to pray she has a safe journey and that the wind is always at her back..and also to pray that we who are here at home don't go freaking nuts
Thanks so much for listening..
Love & Hugs,

Last edited by sisters on Sat Jul 06, 2013 9:07 am; edited 1 time in total