about personal problems, or family health issues, but this is an exception.
As some of you learned in chat today, my brother Billy Jack has Stage Four Cancer.
I received a call from my neice, Kim earlier today and told me the news. She said that they might try chemo,
but when cancer is in Stage Four, there is usually no hope.
During the past four years I have lost three brothers to cancer
and all three times it was diagnosed in the final stages.
My brother Richard (The second oldest) lived only three weeks after being diagnosed.
My brother Donald (The fifth oldest) lived one month after being diagnosed.
Just last year, my brother Ajax (nicknamed Jackie, The tenth oldest) lived only two weeks
after being diagnosed.
Now my brother Billy, (The seventh oldest) has approximately two months to go.
My brother Harold, (The oldest) was diagnosed early enough to receive treatment
and is still in remission.
My brother Robert, (The fourth oldest) has been diagnosed in the early stages of cancer.
I pray to God that he was diagnosed early enough.
I always expected that my brothers and sisters will be leaving this World before me,
because I am the youngest, but I didn't realize it would start happening at such a young age.
When it comes to cancer, I found myself not really knowing that much about it,
sure I read news reports, peoples personal experiences, and other bits of information,
but that doesn't tell the real story. I am learning that there are many different
types of Cancer, and with each type there are different treatments.
To be truthful, I have personally never seen anyone suffer from cancer, it's always
been after they have passed away, nor do I want to see the suffering that goes
along with it, I just couldn't handle it.
So now, one more brother will be laid to rest by Christmas time and I will remember him
as he was, and not what he became because of cancer.
I want to personally thank all of my fellow crushers that showed your support during chat.
The good side about these tragedies is that they didn't have to suffer very long.
I always thought that cancer was a long drawn out process, that once it begins you go
through the chemo-therapy treatments (that makes you throw up), or radition treatments
(that causes you to lose your hair0, and all the other side affects that comes along
that could last two months to a year. Sometimes you go into remission, but never knowing
how long it will last, or at the end of the day it's your time to go.
I may sound selfish, but I am gratful that they didn't have to suffer very long
(not saying that three weeks, a month or two is not very long). One day is too long.
And it might seem cruel, but I feel relieved that I did not have to see them suffer,
I couldn't handle it. My family consisted of a father, mother, and 14 children
and we were a close knit family. My Mother was the tie that bound us together as a family
until she passed away at which time my sister Phyllis took over that roll. We have seen
and been through everything you can imagine that could happen to a family.
I know this post seems to ramble on and on, but I am not very good at expressing
my thoughts and feeling when it comes to subjects that are personal in nature and close to my heart.
I have learned something from these tragedies is that no matter what age you are,
or how healthy you may feel, please for God's sake, start a cancer detection progam in your life.
Don't wait until you are 50 or 60, because it might be too late.
Thanks for letting me ramble on.
Your Crusher friend, Allen
The Gamlbing Cowboy