$200,000 March Madness Tournament Series
3 events included
A free $50,000 Blackjack Tournament (March 18th to March 22nd)
A free $50,000 Slots Tournament (March 26th to March 30th)
A $100,000 Blackjack Tournament with a $10 buy-in (April 2nd to April 5th)
Finish in the top 50 in any of the three events to win prizes, including $30,000 for first place in the final round.
Unlimited $5 rebuys in all three rounds
Free entry in the first two rounds, with first place prizes of $15,000 and a total of 50 winners each.
Finishing in the top 50 of round 1 or 2 will get you a FREE entry into the 2rd round ( If not in the top 50 you can still enter round 3 with a $10 buy in)