just thought I'd ask if anyone's turn is up for the Maze right now - and if so, will you please go play now and help me get unstuck?
I'm in a spot with no moves around it, so I guess I can't move until someone hits a Swap spot, right?
My spot had moves around it when I left it on my last turn, but when I came back to play again, it didn't. Stuck again! Just me on my spot, no arrows in any direction, whatever will I do. In fact, there's not even a way INto this spot I'm in, much less out of. Looks like I musta been airlifted in to this one.
Either that, or I'm a victim of the SWAP- whose evil idea was that anyway? And why is Geno laughing again? lol jk
someone go play! find a swap spot! please! thank you!!