Dear Crushers,
After our MAMMOTH MAZUMA MAZE that had up to $1,000 available for winning (some of which went unclaimed), I've now created a new maze for you to get in on
This one has 5 cash prizes, with a jackpot of $50 for 5000 ccpoints and 4 x $30 for 3000 ccpoints each.
Parameters for this maze
Dimensions: 50 x 40
Starting moves: 5
Time Bonus moves: 2 bonus moves every 3 hours after your last move (max of 4 times per 24 hours - so 2 x 4 = 8 time-bonus moves per 24 hours).
Swap Re-activation time: 10 minutes
(This is 'per Swap Space' so if a swap space is landed on and swaps then it will not cause another swap for until 10 minutes have passed).
There are a total of 250 swap spaces in this maze.
Prizes: (almost every spot has a prize!)
1 x $50 jackpot prize
4 x $30 other cash prizes
50 x 1000 ccpoints
100 x 500 ccpoints
200 x 250 ccpoints
250 x 100 ccpoints
500 x 50 ccpoints
5 x 4 bonus moves
10 x 3 bonus moves
20 x 2 bonus moves
50 x 1 bonus moves
3 x 1 VIP points (for VIP members only)
Good Luck and Happy Gaming All

Last edited by crushadmin on Wed Jan 14, 2009 12:14 am; edited 1 time in total