Dear Crushers,
I am very sorry that payments are delayed much more than usual.
Unfortunately, our advertising earnings have not been as high recently and as such it will take a while to catch up with everything.
I would prefer that we continue to offer some (possibly) smaller cash prizes which will be paid when we get more money - rather than stop until we have caught up.
I am estimating that we will be next in a position to start making payments around the middle of next month.
As for priority, it is only fair we pay those who are VIP (depositing) members with active VIP accounts / earning VIP points. However of course we do want everyone to be paid as soon as possible.
I would appreciate no chasing up further on payments - as always - we have paid as soon as possible.
In order to help us with the backlog it might be that we need to reduce some of the cash contests next month, and perhaps look at alternative prizes.
What can you do to help? If you would like to help - keep telling your friends about us, bring them here, Like and Tweet pages you think will be of interest to others, and keep posting using our LUU (link-us-up) banners here and at our other sites.
Thanks everyone for your patience.
Happy Gaming Always,

Last edited by crushadmin on Mon Sep 01, 2014 9:30 am; edited 1 time in total