Dear Crushers,
I've tried to hold back on posting news on this until I have all the details but so far...
There is news that Microgaming will (from 1st June 2010) will no longer allow play for even existing USA players.
HOWEVER, there is a new software provider (USA based) that is basically going to have MOST of the same games and will look very similar that many (waiting to hear on the full list) will migrate EXISTING USA players onto (it should be 'seamless' - i.e. it should just download an update and replace your existing Microgaming installation with the replacement software).
So far I've heard that Grand Mondial players (USA only) will be moved to a new brand called "CasinoShare US".
"As of the 1st of June, 2010, play for U.S. players on CasinoShare and Grand Mondial will be moved off the Microgaming platform and we will begin licensing software from a brand new software provider. This new casino, called CasinoShare US, launches on the 17th of May, 2010. "From a player perspective, the migration process will be completely seamless and won't be required to download new software or open a new account. They will utilize their existing accounts and their balances will be transferred."
Other groups include the large Casino Rewards group, and Players Palace who were told the new software will "offer players the same look and feel as the Players Palace Microgaming software they all know and love, as well as all of the features and most of the games they are currently playing at Players Palace. Essentially the branding will be altered to be more US-centric but the gaming experience, including the customer promotions will remain the same." Casino Rewards players received this communication after web sites were made unavailable, "Microgaming is currently updating their casino systems to provide you with a better gaming experience, due to this system upgrade, your casino account will be unavailable until the upgrade completion. We are very sorry for the inconvenience caused by this, however, Microgaming will hopefully complete this upgrade quickly, and you will be able to once again access your account and continue to use our great services. "Please try to login again from time to time as these updates should be completed soon. However we do not have an exact timeframe as to how long it will take until all maintenance is completed. It might be that the casino is unavailable for several days."; This is Microgaming distancing itself from the US market so as to not jeopardize it's chances of returning to the States should the prohibition be lifted."
Some questions I have asked our affiliate contacts are:-
- Does this mean we will be able to advertise to NEW USA players for these new "non-Microgaming" brand(s) ?
- What if a player has more than one account at a certain 'group' of casinos where they are bringing in just 1 replacement 'US option' for their group.
Other questions that I have already considered (particularly for Casino Rewards), is how this will affect our tourneys/data. I need to understand what they are doing exactly before I can have the 'right questions to ask'..
Anyway, this note is just to let you know that those in the USA ONLY might find (possibly even as early as the next few days), that you may have problems signing into some Microgaming accounts whilst they migrate them over to the 'new' software platform (your logins / passwords should remain the same), but it's possible that it might replace your existing branded software with their replacement.
Hopefully they should also send an email confirming the new info and what to do but not being a USA player myself, I won't get anything like that - so if anyone does it would be appreciated if you copy and paste the content (except obviously login / password info!!!).
Any comments and questions you have - please post them here as a reply and I'll do my best to collate them and get answers.
Happy Gaming Always,
PS. I hope to have more info tomorrow / coming over the next few days / weeks and will post updates here (so WATCH this topic - down near the bottom to the right if you want to be informed by email when updates/replies are made)


Last edited by crushadmin on Sun Dec 25, 2016 10:33 am; edited 1 time in total