I never opened their e-card they sent me. I just went straight to chat & texted them that sentence (scroll down to the red sentence in this message) they gave me $20.00 free. Don’t use my name, put your own name in there. Lol
go check in your email inbox for your “Pulling 4 You” ecard surprise (it would come from Blue Mountain, the supplier we use at JumbaBet).
HOW to GET your surprise?
You pick up the Blue Mountain card in your e mail inbox.
You enjoy watching the card and you read the message.
Then you contact JumbaBet Support (via chat) immediately and
you say I have just received my Lucky Shannans Pulling 4 You ecard, and now I would like my surprise. Support will then fulfil your request.
Again, if your card is not in your email inbox, please check in your junk folder. It is always wise to safelist this email address because, with your own Birthday, Mother’s, Father’s and Easter together with the upcoming 2023 seasonal holidays, many more surprises are coming your way. You do not want to lose out!
Good luck all!!
Good luck all!