Dear Crushers, It being February, the month of love - we want to show you we love you with another Mazuma Maze - full of Cash and other prizes. There are TWENTY ONE CASH PRIZES to be found in this maze! PLUS a whole host of other CC points, VIP points and bonus moves also! Here's the parameters for our February Fever - Lots of Love maze! MAZE OPENS: 7TH FEBRUARY - AROUND 10:00 EST (Forum Time), 15:00 GMT START MOVES: 5 BONUS MOVES : 2 EVERY 4 HOURS MAX TIME BONUSES PER 24 HOURS: 4 CASH PRIZES: 1 X $200= 200 (for 20,000 ccpoints) 10 X $50 = 500 (for 5,000 ccpoints each) 10 X $30 = 300 (for 3,000 ccpoints each) VIP POINTS PRIZES: 5 X 1 VIP points CCPOINTS PRIZES: 50 x 1000 CCPOINTS 100 x 500 CCPOINTS 200 x 250 CCPOINTS 500 x 100 CCPOINTS 1000 x 50 CCPOINTS MOVES PRIZES: 10 X 5 25 X 3 50 X 2 100 X 1 SWAP SPACES - 500 TIME FOR A SWAP SPACE TO REACTIVATE = 20 MINUTES TO PLAY: Simply click on the Play a Maze Game link on the Main Menu and follow the instructions Good luck and Happy Gaming Always, Geno/CC |