Hi all,
I'm creating a bunch of mazes (well 3 for now) that will be active from NOW
These mazes have no Cash Prizes but some BIG ccpoints prizes available!
They demonstrate some of the features in the new mazes, including a another new thing I've introduced to keep the 'timezone' thing fair..
A new 24 hour 'number of time bonuses' limit - which means each player will only be able to claim a maximum number of time bonuses (this can be switched on/off for different mazes but I'd like to try it in these next few)..
To make things a bit more Tricky - you'll have to guess where the end point is each game hehehe
ALSO.. I've linked these mazes together so, when one closes from someone winning the jackpot - a new maze is activated for play (until we run out of course)!..
Something I am considering regarding that is that perhaps members of the Maze group could also be sent either an email or a PM when a new maze is opened/activated by another member closing..
So, I'd like your votes on that please.
Also please vote on whether or not there should be a limit to the number of CASH prizes a member can win per maze by clicking here
Enjoy some more prize mazes whilst I continue going through ideas and creating some new functions for later mazes
Good luck and Happy Gaming Always,

Last edited by crushadmin on Mon Jul 14, 2008 7:17 am; edited 2 times in total