YThis is the chat session. Seems that they contradict themselves a lot.
You are now chatting with Luck3 Support 29 (General)
Luck3 Support 29: Welcome to LUCK3 Casino & Poker Room! How may I assist you?
qtip7397: why does my 21$ bonus not appear after it was credited?
qtip7397: OLYMP2010 was the code
Luck3 Support 29: Unfortunately, we see that you have refused your bonus.
qtip7397: i was logged off it said session expired
qtip7397: so i did not have a chance to do anything with it
Luck3 Support 29: Sorry, this is not technical problem of us and we cannot add the bonus manually also.
qtip7397: Well why do i keep getting logged out? I dont have this problem with other casinos
Luck3 Support 29: We are continuously checking the connection and for now everything is working fine.
qtip7397: So there is nothing you can do about that,...I will let my casino forum site be aware of this issue then
Luck3 Support 29: We cannot report it as an issue because you are the only one who had this problem. Everyone successfully activated their bonus.
qtip7397: It said the bonus was credited, showed fpr about 5 or 10 seconds, and then the message that the session expired popped up.
qtip7397: and when i logged back in, it was no longer there
Luck3 Support 29: Several hours ago some players had problems with the connection speed but right now everything is working as normal.
Luck3 Support 29: The session expires automatically.
qtip7397: under what circumstances does it expire?
Luck3 Support 29: Every session has it own time. Then it come to time out.
qtip7397: when i am actively using it? Obviously you are still having issues
Luck3 Support 29: For sure there is everything OK from our side.
qtip7397: Well i can understand if i let it sit without imput, but when i am using it???? what were to happen if i was in the middle of a deposit
qtip7397: So this tells me that I should avoid this casino then....I am posting a copy of this on my casino forum
Luck3 Support 29: I am sorry, we do not really see how much time you were sitting without input. If you would like to receive an answer our technical department can investigate your issue.
qtip7397: was connected less than 15 minutes never putting the mouse down,
Luck3 Support 29: Please send a request to our technical department. An email address you could use They have an access to all the needed data and can tell you was it our fault that your bonus was refused or yours.
Luck3 Support 29: Should there be nothing further I will be ending this chat...