Hello Crushers!!!
In continuation of Sister Sarah's Birthday Celebration .... here is our 2nd Birthday Contest.

Again this year I reached out to ojisplayin/ PlayinCrush/ Patti and begged her to please make up a fun contest for Sarah's Birthday ... because she is "da Bomb" when it comes to great contests and this is one she sent back to me. Thank you Patti!!!

We ALL love Sarah sooooooo much and she says she loves us even more ... I think its time we get down and dirty Crushers ...
Lets see if she'll prove just how much she loves us by telling us "HER" favorite position for showing "HER" partner a real Sisters Love? hehee
Please Pick One/or Post your Own Idea:
1. A real go-getter, definitely on top!!!
2. A gal who knows her place- missionary!!!
3. I think, at her age, just getting some is a miracle!!!
4. I thought her favorite position was a moderator at the Crush Sites!!!
Yes Crushers, I know we've all been dying to know the true answer to this question!!! Hopefully in a couple of days we'll have NO more sleepless nights!!! Yayyyyy!!! LMAOO
Everyone that makes a post will have their names placed into a random drawing where we will give away 1 x $30 prize.
You will need 3,000 cc-points to redeem for the $30 cash prize. If you do not have enough CC points to redeem, you'll be credited with 3,000 CC points instead - so next time you win, you'll be able to redeem your CC points for the cash prize. Contest will end January 24th, 2011.
If you have not yet done so, you will need to advise us which payment method you would like us to use to pay you. To do this, please go to the red section above and click on "My Payment Method" and follow the instructions. You only need to do this once (unless you later wish or need to change your payment method option).
Good Luck Crushers!!!
Happy Gaming Always!!!
