Dear Crushers,
As most of you know Geno is on a trip of a life time to Australia and won't be back home until around the 15th of January.
Although he does have broadband, access at a cost of $20 per day, he has tried to make payments and it took over an hour to make 1 payment. He has to access information from his pc in England and send payments from England via Australia.
He has managed to answer a few pms, average is about 3 or 4 replies per hour and so he asks your patience until he gets back around the 15th of January.
As far as the contests go ...
The LUU contest winners for December will have to wait until his return, however the LUU contest is ongoing for January and unfortuantely won't be updated until his return.
He was able to submit the Go Wild winners in for crediting and please allow 48 hours for crediting.
As far as other contests we had with other casinos for December, they will have to wait until his return mid month. He has to access information from his pc in England to do this and it takes forever to update for him.
As far as payments go ...
January has always been the slowest month to receive payments from Casinos for some reason, however he is unable to make any payments until his return around January 15th. He does send his apologies and is in hopes that you all know that when he returns he'll do his best to get everyone caught up.
Other than that, he sends his best to everyone and wanted to thank you for your patience! He'll be posting pictures when he can on face book but he'll have to wait to get back to post them on CC.
It was great to chat with Geno on the phone!!! He sounds very happy and he told me he really misses everyone!!! (not as much as we miss him lol)
If I should hear back from him, I'll let you know, but until the 15th, please have patience.
Thanks Crushers!!! You are the best!!!

Last edited by OrangeCrush on Thu Jan 14, 2010 4:13 am; edited 3 times in total