Dear Crushers,
Yes, you read right - we are now giving away a CASH BONUS ON YOUR BIRTHDAY, and just like many casinos - this will be based on your loyalty / activity over the past year (from your last birthday - as registered in your forum profile) ...
The birthday bonus calculations are effective 2ND APRIL 2024.
The calculation of your bonus will be as follows:-
- New topics created in any of the Bonus forums (including coupons) where you start a new and valid topic about a no deposit / match bonus / special promotion for a gambling site or group in the appropriate forums
----> $0.10 for each Promotional / Bonus topic posted since your last birthday
- this includes the following forums:-
- No Deposit Casino Bonuses,
- New and Existing Depositor Casino Bonuses and Promos
- Casino Coupons Forum - No Deposit (via Add Coupon Codes page)
- The Cheap Freebie Bucket
- Email / Trivia / Survey Bonuses / Accounts to check
- Casino Coupons Forum - Match Deposit (via Add Coupons Codes page)
- Slots Tournaments / Tourneys - including Daily Freeroll Slots Tournaments
- Bingo Bonuses
- Lotteries, Free Lottos and prize draw sites
- Online Skill Games
- Sportsbooks and Sports Betting
---> $0.05 for each topic created in the following forums are included:-
- Lucky Winners (share your winning screenshots and stories)
- Please help shape our forum
- Banter & Bitchin' (General Chat)
- Taking part by replying in contests (valid replies only)
----> $0.01 for every valid reply (post) taking part in any contest
- Posts made in our Contests forum and those that have since been moved to Past Contests and Winners will be included in this calculation.
- Posting your casino and / or slots review (must be unique, genuine and approved to be in the Final review forums)
----> $1.20 per full, unique, genuine, own review that is accepted
- Member Casino Reviews (Final)
- Member Slots Reviews (Final)
- Member Bingo Reviews (Final)
Posts made more than a year ago will no longer be counted (as of April 2024).
EACH BONUS IS ROUNDED *UP* to the nearest full $1
Any cash bonus is ON TOP of any other winnings!
So actively taking part in all these activities increases your birthday bonus -- ON TOP OF contest wins!!!
Terms: (subject to refinement)
-- You MUST CLAIM your birthday bonus within 5 days of your birthday (as recorded in your forum profile) -- any claims after 5 days unfortunately will be ignored and you may not claim until your next birthday -- so make a note in your diary
OR if you know you will be absent - you may claim a maximum of 5 days before your birthday --- any claims earlier than 5 days will be deleted and ignored without notice ... so please only do this when there are 5 or less days!
-- You claim by sending a PM (Private Message) to crushadmin with the subject -- BIRTHDAY BONUS CLAIM -- please read above term before doing so - otherwise it may be deleted and ignored without notice!!
-- Only valid posts (those not removed by admin for any reason at their discretion) ... this can include but not exclusive to ... posting invalid coupons / telling others to check accounts continuously / repeating others or your own too soon / etc etc etc
- The calculation will be made on your birthday automatically and will then be subject to manual review by an administrator before any amount is advised or paid.
- This promotion is intended as an incentive to encourage you to participate regularly and is not intended to create competition amongst members.
- You can get an ESTIMATE of what you may receive as a cash bonus based on your past 365 days of activity. If you have been a member for less than that time of course it can only calculate based on what activity has taken place up to the point you joined so you can estimate this by multiplying it up depending on your current membership duration ... i.e. if you've been a member 1 month - multiply by 12, 3 months - multiply by 4, 6 months - double it ... etc etc (more detailed instructions are on the page) ...
- Any estimate is based on your PAST 365 days and of course your bonus calculation on your next birthday will be based on the 365 days prior to that date (even on leap years!).
- Any such bonus will be added to the Contest Wins pages and paid along with other contest prizes and all standard terms and conditions of contests and payments applies (including minimum amounts and having a valid payment method and enough CCpoints to redeem) ...
- If you are not eligible for any bonus then you will be credited $1 (redeemable for 100 ccpoints) and this will be added to your Contest Wins (you still MUST CLAIM it within 5 days of your birthday as registered within your forum profile!)
- The MAXIMUM amount of birthday bonus (from April 2024) will be $250. Any amount over this will not be paid (nor carried over).
- This is NOT really a contest - it is only based on individual participation. The purpose of this is to encourage and reward happy regular participation in our many forum activities and contributing information that is useful for other visitors and members. Everyone can earn a good birthday bonus and can only increase with better participation

Last edited by crushadmin on Fri Sep 27, 2024 8:16 pm; edited 15 times in total