Dear Crushers,
Our 'SpamWatch' module has been in operation for quite a while and although we know a few bits still get through - it is also auto-blocking and banning A LOT of inappropriate posts and content. Many such posters are automatically blocked and banned as soon as they post to stop them in their tracks.
As 'new' spammers are spotted, we simply update our SpamWatch engine and it then trawls through periodically to check for any other past posts / signatures that also contain such rubbish and will also apply bans as appropriate to those offenders.
When this spamwatch module runs through all current and posts (in all forums), it does slow down CC a little bit but you'll see an image warning of this (just below the main CC banner) if you're logged in only just explaining why it might appear to be a bit slow. If you hover over it - it will advise how long to expect it to be running for in total.
Recently this is in the region of around 10 minutes per run (UPDATE - Now less than 1 minute generally) (when it is run is automatically determined based on a number of other factors) and of course we can't post all the details of how it works exactly!
We hope you appreciate the reason for having to put such extreme measures in place to protect the board from inappropriate content.

Last edited by crushadmin on Sat Jan 12, 2013 2:43 pm; edited 2 times in total