Hello Crushers!!!
We had a request to have a Crusher Get Together in Atlantic City, New Jersey, as it may be more convienent for our Crushers that live in that area to meet up with us ...
After some lengthy conversation with Geno ... he shrugged his shoulders, shook his head and said geez do you think we could handle 2 vacations next year?

We are planning a Crusher Get Together trip in Atlantic City around the 3rd week of May, 2011 and would LOVE to have you join us!!!
We will be posting the exact dates for AC the first part of April, but wanted to give everyone as much notice as possible to make arrangements.
Crushers we would love to meet every one of you and hope that someday we will. Please try and join us.

For our Las Vegas Crusher Get Together we are looking around the first week of November, 2011. Of course we will be posting more about Vegas as the time gets closer.


Last edited by OrangeCrush on Thu Jan 20, 2011 5:35 am; edited 1 time in total