Friday & Saturday, May 8-9
Get a 10% deposit bonus plus win $500!
Would you like to win $500 just for making a deposit? It will happen to 10 people on this special day! And to top it off, you will automatically be rewarded with a 10% deposit for each deposit you make this day, whether or not you win one of the cash prizes!
10-20-25 BONUSES!
Sunday, May 10
Get up to 25% bonus on your deposits!
Check out this great bonus, where everyone gets rewarded simply by making deposits during this promotional day. This bonus requires no luck and no thinking. Rewards are simple and immediate. Here is how it works: Any deposit for less than $100 earns a 10% bonus. Any deposit for $100 earns a 20% bonus. And finally, any $200 deposit earns a whopping 25% bonus! So YOU get to decide just how much of a bonus you want! This promotion is good for each and every deposit that you make during this day.
NEW -WIN Slotland FREE $$$! - NEW
May 8-10!
Each deposit made during the promotional weekend earns 1 ticket to a random draw of $25; $500 and more in deposits AUTOMATICALLY WINS $50!