I feel sooooo stupid!! I saw my name was on the list for winners of the LUU contest (YAY!!)I was totally surprised!!
I thought it had said that I had won $30. When I checked in the "my contest wins" area, it said $50. Rather than go back and check to see which amont was correct,
I accepted that I had won $50 - so I was double happy! I am really bad at waiting, so I borrowed money against it. I spent it at a casino, not winning much, then losing it all.
THEN I checked the list. It was only $30.
Everbody is gone for the day and I am sitting here trying to figure out how to explain to my daughter that I will be $20 short on rent. As far as she is concerned I should NEVER gamble, so I NEVER tell her when I do.
I am a creative person, I am sure I'll think of something to say.
Still, I feel like a dummy.