Hello Crushers!
Crushers we would like to know, when you first log in to Casino-Crush, where is the first place you go to? Do you check for pms? Go to the Game Room? Go to the VIP thread? Go to the No Deposit thread? Play the Bounty Slot? Please tell us what is your daily routine at Casino-Crush?
Everyone that makes a post will have their names placed into a random drawing where we will give away 1 x $5 prize.
You will need 500 cc-points to redeem for the $5 cash prize. If you do not have enough CC points to redeem, you'll be credited with 500 CC points instead - so next time you win, you'll be able to redeem your CC points for the cash prize.
**It is important to remember you must have accumulated a total of at least $20.00 in contest wins between Casino Crush, Poker Crush and/or Bingo Crush before you will be paid your cash prize.
Good Luck Crushers!
Happy Gaming Always!


Last edited by OrangeCrush on Thu Dec 10, 2015 4:54 am; edited 1 time in total