I would just like to let you all know that the Desktop Treasure is available to each and everyone of my fellow Crushers.... I, once again, just figured that someone else would win... but, I more so just use it for my personal "Quickie,, what's New at the Crush" Tool!
It is that, and I recently got the Jackpot Treasure ...... Shocked,
, and unsure of what was going on when it went off!!... and yet... what I accept as my daily tool, made me some highly prized Bonus CC points... just for having the desktop running! That's Right! Extra CC points just for having regular updates running on my desktop! Talk about yer double grand slammers! YeeeeeeeeHaaaaaa! WoooooooHooooooo Yipppppeeeeeeeeee Zooooowwwwwwwwweeeeeeeeee! Casino-Crush... thank you for "making my day"!