Hi everyone,
You may have seen the board go wobbly for about 10 seconds today - this is whilst I was putting up the files to provide a new feature for you
Yes, you read right - you'll now be able to upload your pictures (only in some forums where we think you might need to).
Everyone has a limit of 5Mb by default, which should provide you with enough space to upload around 25 images. We'll archive these from time to time, and maybe increase limits if we need to.
You'll now see a new "add attachement" button - it's hopefully fairly self explanatory.. but if you run into problems.. please just PM me
Please PM one of the admins (OrangeCrush, DrCrush or myself) if you have any problems.
Happy Gaming Always,

Last edited by crushadmin on Thu Dec 02, 2004 7:11 pm; edited 2 times in total