1. Mazuma Maze - Mad March Hare - Big Random Maze with Swaps
2. Mazuma Maze - Marching Monkeys - Lanes with Swaps
3. Mazuma Maze - Marching Mayhem - No Walls!
4. Mazuma Maze - Marching Momentum - Big Random Maze with Swaps
The 1st Maze will open soon (you can see when by clicking on the PLAY MAZUMA MAZES) - and each of the following opens when the previous has been completed
You can see the number of starting moves and "time bonus" moves for each maze from the "PLAY MAZUMA MAZE" menu page
Every Mazuma Maze is filled with lots of prizes - including CCpoints, Bonus Moves and of course Cash Prizes too
There is $590 in total hidden within this series of Mazuma Mazes
Good luck everyone and Happy Gaming Always,
Last edited by crushadmin on Tue Aug 01, 2017 6:16 pm; edited 1 time in total
Joined: 29 Nov 2003
Posts: 8029
Location: UK
Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2017 6:27 pm -
The time it takes for a swap space to become re-activated (i.e. will trigger another swap of the maze walls and spaces) is actually set to 10 minutes.
I can set this lower in the future but think it is fairer to leave it as it is - so it gives others stuck a chance to move. Note that the 10 minute swap space re-activation time is for EACH swap space - so if someone lands on a different Swap space during that time - the maze will still be swapped.