My hobby is writing poetry
I have a few posted at which is cool because they copyright it and that makes it seem very official
It started at high school
We had a special guest arriving to take a 2 hour poetry class for those that were interested
Sam Hunt was a huge success as a New Zealand poet
I really enjoyed his class and he even helped write 2 lines of my poem that I have remembered since I was 16
Here is the poem:
Too much peace?
The sun is hot,
I lie inert listening,
The wind whispers through the trees,
Over head,
A bird floats lazily,
In the distance,
A gate bangs,
The water ripples quietly in the pool,
The cat moves sleepily across the lawn,
I am at peace with the world,
One with nature,
A dog barks in the distance,
All at once the peace is shattered,
A loud roar,
Then doors slamming,
My wonderful family is home.