Hi CCers!
Did you know that:
Poker-Crush.com/portal is a site where members are not afraid to express their emotions? Even their deepest ones they share.
A very thought-provoking and philosophical site where you will find yourself laughing one moment and crying the next.
We share our lives at Poker-Crush voluntarily, but no one asks any personal questions.
Our Guru sets an atmosphere for our members that is as warm and fuzzy and cuddly as any site could be.
Help is offered for ANY problem.
Members at PC become the CLOSEST of friends.
It is very rewarding to be a member at PC, even if you don't play poker.
A Crusher is a Crusher is a Crusher, but A Crusher who is both a CC Crusher and a PC Crusher is a purebred 100 per cent Crusher!
Membership Drive going on now to reach 1000 before year ends.