Dear Crushers,
I've been racking my brains for possible ways to make those that like and enjoy posting more and more promos (possibly repeats) and of course wanting better chances of winning in our LUU contest as well as those that are more 'regular' members who just post promos now and again with our banners for LUU.
These ideas are for open (constructive) discussion and are not set in stone or anything - just ideas that may give some of you another option as well as trying to keep CC even with it's coverage of No Deposit bonuses with hopefully less frequent repeats of 'older' no deposit bonuses etc.
So, here is my current thinking (which I can currently think of as the only possible option for keeping LUU at CC) :-
LUU at Casino-Crush.Com
- I will create an authorised LUU Participant group for those wishing to read and agree to the rules. Those wishing to take part can join the group and if approved (by admin) then you will be eligible for LUU.
---> The rules for each LUU will include that for eligibility.
---> Anyone abusing the rules even ONCE will be dropped for that month and not be eligible and will not be allowed to join the group for the following month. (hopefully that will make people think a bit harder before doing going against the rules!)
The Heavy LUUers / Big Posters - New opportunity
As you know the posting of banners is very helpful to us for earning revenues for advertising and we know that many of you do this very well and we don't want to exclude you and still give you the possibility of earning LUUs and prizes but perhaps you might be considered 'in another league' of forum poster.. so much that perhaps...
We *could* perhaps give those wishing for one, their own forum and sub-areas to post LUU code (these will NOT be for posting your own affiliate links! - we are paying the prizes so they must be our code)..
If we have enough (say 10+) members wishing to try that option I will set up a new site (linked to from CC) and I'm sure some rules will need to be drawn up .. but basically it will be up to you to manage each of your own forums and only you will be able to make posts in them.
I would need to consider all the possibilities of what would be allowed or not but at least it would give you freedom to post as many as you like and of course we would have a page here linking to all of your LUU forums.
We could also even have votes for those with the best mini-sites of their own perhaps..
I'm happy to extend that offer to any member - heavy LUU poster or not but please bear in mind it will take a while.
Of course if you have your own forums or sub-forums / free sites - you can always post our banners and links over there to increase your LUU.
These 'other sites' will use different code so it is kept completely separate from CC and yes of course you will be welcome to do LUU at CC too but the strict posting rules will be in force here.
So, any thoughts - and if appropriate - please vote about the second part of the idea (having your own mini-site/forum) for doing this.
Happy Gaming Always,

Last edited by crushadmin on Thu Nov 11, 2010 10:57 pm; edited 2 times in total