Trifle is a traditional English desert, normally made with sherry. My mom didn't want us to have any kind of liquor when we were kids, so she tweeked it so that all can enjoy it and it is quick to make. You spend more time waiting for things to set. This is a nice, light desert.
1 pkg of 4 swiss rolls (Vanilla with strawberry or raspberry jam)
1 small pkg jello (strawberry or raspberry)
1 pkg instant pudding (banana or vanilla)
1 large tim fruit cocktail (drained, reserve the juice or syrup)
1 small tub Coolwhip or other whipped topping
1 square casserole dish - 8 x 8 or 9 x 9
Maracchino cherries for garnish
Slice swiss rolls approximately 1/4 inch thick and line bottom of dish.
Spread fruit cocktail evenly over top.
Make jello as directed, substituting cold water with juice from fruit.
Place in fridge and let set.
When jello has set, make instant pudding using only 3/4 of milk required so that it is slightly thicker.
Pour over jello. Place in fridge and let set for about 20 minutes.
Spread coolwhip over top, using as much or as little as you prefer.
Garnish with cherries.
Keep refrigerated until ready to serve.
The flavors can be changed around to your preference. You can use the swiss rolls, or just a plain sponge cake if you prefer, or not use cake at all (sometimes kids don't like to have the cake in it). Instead of fruit cocktail, try using just peaches, or maybe a citrus fruit. Any kind of fruit can be used as a garnish. You can also use slivered almonds, or at christmas, sprinkle with colored sugars. The possibilities are endless, but the trifle is always a hit.
I normally make a 9 x 13 pan of this using 1 large pkg jello, 1 large pkg of pudding, and 1 large and 1 small can fruit cocktail. Great for holidays, bbq's, birthdays, or just whenever.